FRANÇAIS  Titulaire d’un Brevet de Technicien Supérieur en photographie option publicité, Patrick Landmann crée en 1979 son propre studio qui lui permet d’acquérir une solide connaissance des lumières et du cadre. En 1986, il réoriente son travail vers la photographie de presse après avoir voyagé en Afrique et Amérique latine.

Il s’ensuit une collaboration avec l’agence Sygma, mais il est sollicité pour rejoindre le staff de l’agence Gamma en 1989. Ce seront 7 années d’intenses collaborations qui consolideront son regard sur la photographie. Il reprend son indépendance en 1995. Depuis 20 ans, c’est un voyageur insatiable sur une planète qui le fascine mais malheureusement endommagée. Son esprit curieux l’emmène à travailler dans différents domaines, mais il a une préférence marquée pour la culture, la nature et les sciences.

Méticuleux, travaillant à la chambre, au moyen ou petit format, il aime approfondir les sujets qui le passionnent. Ses reportages sont publiés dans les grands magazines nationaux et internationaux. Son travail a été reconnu de nombreuses fois, en particulier, Patrick a obtenu quatre prix au World Press Award, dont deux premiers prix et plusieurs récompenses nationales et internationales.

ENGLISH       Patrick Landmann embarked upon his career after receiving an advanced degree in Advertising Photography. In 1979, he founded a commercial photography studio in Strasbourg, which allowed him to further develop his knowledge of light and composition. Seven years later, he set off on an extensive journey from Africa to South America—one that convinced him to leave the dark corners of the studio behind and delve into the adventurous world of press photography.

Initially a correspondent for the Sygma Press Agency, he joined the staff of Gamma Press in Paris in 1989. After six years of intensive collaboration that had a strong impact on his work, he returned to freelance photography in 1995. For 20 years he has been a tireless traveler of a fascinating, but unfortunately, damaged planet. His curiosity and his inquisitive mind have drawn him to a wide array of subjects but he has a marked preference for those concerning culture, nature and science.

At ease with small, medium and large format cameras, he prefers working in a meticulous and in-depth manner so as to fully explore the subjects that fascinate him. Patrick has received numerous awards, including four World Press Photo Awards (two of which were first prizes) as well as several national and international honors. His work is published by the world’s leading magazines.

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